
The secret of you is between your left and right ear. What story are you telling yourself?

Introducing NLP

Introducing NLP

Joseph O’Connor & John Seymore

Some people appear more gifted than others. NLP, one of the fastest growing developments in applied psychology, describes in simple terms what these people do differently, and enables you to learn these patterns of excellence.



The Ultimate Introduction to NLP

Richard Bandler

This inspirational book gives you the tools to change your life, overcoming the things that are holding you back: your phobias, depression, habits, psychosomatic illnesses or learning disorders.


The Go Giver

Bob Burg & David Mann

The Go-Giver tells the story of an ambitious young man named Joe who yearns for success. Joe is a true go-getter, yet he feels as if the harder and faster he works, the further away his goals seem to be.



The Go Giver Sells More

Bob Burg & David Mann

A practical guide that makes giving the cornerstone of a powerful and effective approach to selling. Most of us think of sales as convincing potential customers to do something they don’t really want to.



Endless Referrals, 3rd Edition

Bob Burg

Bob Burg builds on his proven relationship-building principles to bring even more clients to your door, attracting only those who are interested in what you sell, showing how to leverage your relationships, and generate ongoing sales opportunities.



Your Brain at Work

David Rock

Meet Emily and Paul: Their lives, like all of ours, are filled with a bewildering blizzard of emails, phone calls, yet more emails, meetings and projects, proposals, and plans. Just staying ahead of the storm has become a seemingly insurmountable task.



Thinking Fast and Slow

Daniel Kahneman

Buy it fast. Read it slowly and repeatedly. It will change the way you think, on the job, about the world, and in your own life. An amazing book by one of the greatest psychologists & deepest thinkers of our time.



Blue Ocean Strategy

W Chan Kim & Renee Maugborgne

Based on a study of 150 strategic moves spanning more 100+ years and 30 industries, the authors argue that lasting success comes from creating ‘blue oceans’: untapped new market spaces ripe from growth.



The Slight Edge

Jeff Olsen

Why is it that some people make dream after dream come true, while others just continue dreaming and spend their lives building dreams for someone else? One simple reason: they have found their Slight Edge!



Good to Great

Jim Collins

Are there companies that defy gravity and convert long-term mediocrity or worse into long-term superiority and what are the universal distinguishing characteristics that cause a company to go from good to great?



Quantum Healing

Deepak Chopra

Here is an extraordinary new approach to healing by an extraordinary physician-writer – a book filled with the mystery, wonder, and hope of people who have experienced seemingly miraculous recoveries from cancer and other serious illnesses.



Quiet Leadership

David Rock

Improving the performance of your employees involves one of the hardest challenges in the known universe: changing the way they think. David Rock has proven that the secret is found in the space between their ears.


To Sell is Human

Daniel H Pink

A fresh look at the art and science of selling, describing the six successors to the elevator pitch, the three rules for understanding another’s perspective, and the five frames to make your message clear and persuasive.


The Power of Habit

The Power of Habit: Life & Business

Charles Duhigg

A young woman walks into a laboratory. Over two years, she has transformed her life, quit smoking, run a marathon, and promoted at work. Neurologists find the patterns inside her brain have fundamentally changed.



When you can walk on Water why take the Boat

Lisa Diane

There is nothing in this world that you cannot accomplish, if you know the secret. If you’re ready to put the past behind you and begin experiencing life at its fullest, then you will find what you need within these pages.